
The majority of the products found on store shelves are made under industrialized conditions, while a smaller portion is produced by organic farms.

In my opinion, none of these are sustainable in the long run

believes Giacomo Pedranzini. Overproduction, environmental pollution and horrid living conditions for the animals are all frequent side effects of industrialized agriculture. In terms of organic farming on the other hand, we face the exact opposite of these problems; yield is highly limited and uncertain, products are too expensive, and are only available for a small, wealthy group of people.

To relieve this conflict, CEO Giacomo Pedranzini came up with the concept of HonestFood.

The Honest Food-based operation pays extra attention to human health, protection of nature and of the environment, including animal welfare, and is fair to every member of the supply chain. This spirit permeates the whole operation of KOMETA, and is under continuous development.

Giacomo Pedranzini would like producers, retailers and wholesalers to think and come together. As a first step, he organized a round table discussion in November 2021, where he introduced the Honest Food concept to industry experts, and also held a presentation on the topic in an agricultural conference.